Thursday, December 23, 2010

A Holiday for the Rest of Us

Yup, it's Festivus! Time to get out your pole and prepare for your feats of strength. My favorite part of this holiday is, of course, the airing of grievances.

The thing is, airing grievances is like the Christmas spirit of goodwill, caring and compassion. We shouldn't need a special day set aside; it's something we should observe all year long.

In that spirit, instead of using today's post to air my grievances, I'm going to show you a few places where I go everyday to do just that. It's about sharing, so I'm sharing my favorites with you. You're welcome.

I just found this site, which is all about bad dates, the online world, and how to make the best of a bad situation. It's written from both perspectives, and is full of awesome. Check out Dating a Lemon.

We've all been in relationships that didn't work. It takes a lot to share your story. She freaking rocks - Simply Stella Sage.

Sometimes, she writes about love. Sometimes she writes about food. Sometimes she writes about the interwebz. Whatever she's writing about, it's done with humor, smarts and buckets of goodness. Dri:1 Humanity:0 For The Win!!

Dating in your 30's is tough. These ladies do it with class and style, and share their ups and downs with all of us. I bet you'll love Sassy Singleton and My Devina as much as I do.

They write what the rest of us are thinking. The Super Blogettes will rock your world.

Dating isn't everything. Sometimes you need a photo break, some perspective - and knit hats never hurt anyone. Check out my friend Cute~Ella for all things wonderful.

If perspective and knit hats don't do it for you...he's got it. I promise. Detention with derryX has something for everyone.

Style and class? Look no further than Ms. Amanda Talar's blog. She's class and style wrapped up in cool and told with smarts and humor.

Just cause I like it, check out This is Not the Life I Ordered.... Most of us don't figure everything out the first time around.

Blogs are about community. They're about sharing and interacting. Like it or not, not everyone agrees - but hey, that'd be boring anyway, right? For a great community, check out On The Edge by Kristi Gustafson. I'm there everyday , although I (technically) don't comment.


  1. Thanks lady! What sweet words -- I'm incredibly flattered!

    Merry Christmas!

  2. You're so welcome! All true.

    Merry Christmas!!

  3. Also, I have added you to my blog roll. Can't believe I didn't do that already...

  4. Thanks for the link doll! You rock :)

  5. sassysingleton & cuteellaisbold - you are both very welcome.

    derryx - thanks. I updated my blogroll to include you too.
